zondag 29 mei 2011


Sigri has its origin in Papua New Guinea, a poor country. I specifically mention they are poor for a very good reason. No money usually means they do not have the funds for synthetic fertilisers and pesticides, those are too expensive and this is an advantage for coffee. It helps guarantee their low caffeine levels and fruity flavours. This coffee is said to be full-bodied with a pungent fruitiness of mango and papaya.
The Sigri plantations are filled with arabica beans, mostly of the typica kind, making them the higher quality. As far as I know, Sigri is the only beansort of this quality in Papua New Guinea. I look forward to one day trying others from this country like Arona or Arusafa...
Sigri plantations export mostly to France, Germany and Japan.

I bought it in one of my favourite coffee shops, Corica. Sigri is a good coffee, but more on that later on :)

I had never heard of this one before, so I was eager to try after buying it. Only mere hours after buying it, I was already grinding the beans, I had just bought a ceramic grinder, put it on the seventh setting, specifically for my French press. I still remember how nicely the ground beans smelt. I could indeed point out the fruity origins, but could not differentiate the mango or papaya, it just smelt a little exotic and sweet.

After pouring the water on the ground beans, a cloud of steam filled the atmosphere. Let me tell you, I was ready to taste this coffee, there is no doubt about that.

Sigri, how I love thee. Coffee with such a soft and refined flavour. Well balanced. Really full-bodied. A lot of crema on top of the espresso. Then tried it with milk and sugar... like music played spontaneously. This is GOOD coffee, even cold it didnt turn bitter.
Sigri has a firm flavour and it is great. I am rating it at 9,9/10, Only Kopi Luwak is the one I liked more, mostly due to the aftertaste, Kopi Luwak doesnt leave any for me. Something I have come to prefer.
This little difference is what gives Kopi Luwak that very small advantage.

I had bought this together with the Antigua I previously described. As it turned out, one of the best and one of the worst in 1 purchase. Kinda funny when you think about it, finding two so very different kinds together, but I am not complaining. While I got the bad one too, Sigri is one of the coffees I consider "awesome"
Maybe one day, this one would become my "daily cup of coffee"

Rating: 9,9 / 10
Purchased: Corica, Brussels
website: www.corica.be

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