woensdag 25 mei 2011

Vulkan Kaffee

Tchibo: Vulkan Kaffee

Or what I like to call, horrible coffee with a beyond normal bitter aftertaste..
I got these from my mom when we were shopping in Aachen, together with one of their other house melanges, the one called "Wiener Melange". Originally, I would have gotten a pound of this one, but I decided to get 2 different coffees instead of a big bag of "unknown" coffee.
That was a very good choice!

So first, like usual, I let 2 espressos pass through the Saeco machine, this is always done to allow the grinders to adapt to the new type of bean, it also clears most of the previous bean-residu, while this is not needed persé, I do it to prevent taste corruption in my mouth,aside from rinsing the infuser with some water, but more on that process later on.

First cup is ready, time for the smell test! I had to say at the time, it smelled strong like a "Blue Mountain" from Jamaica. I am not a big fan of the intensively strong coffees, because most of these tend to be overly bitter. First sip, I was instantly disappointed, there it was, the bitterness I dislike.
So I decided to try some sweeteners, hopefully ridding this cup of the bitter flavour. First, the usual, regular sugar, but that just added a sweet layer on top of the horrid flavour. Add some milk, no success.
Second cup, I go for the big guns, Chocolat syrop from Routin, again a failure in taste, I was fighting a battle against a bitter coffee and the coffee was leading 2 against my 0.
Third cup, the artifical sweeteners. First adding some milk, then added a "Canderel Vanilla", this is vanilla flavoured sweetener, I have a non-stop supply of these at home, because they add that extra punch to coffee, a layer of non-intrusive vanilla and sweetness at the same time. To no avail, sadly, the coffee was still horrible.

Sorry Tchibo, this coffee was nothing for my taste buds, I am certain that lovers of dark strong coffee will adore this one, but sadly for me, this is a 1 out of 10 score, just didnt do it for me.

Price: 3.80€ / 250g
Sold by: Tchibo (Aachen (Germany))
Website: www.tchibo-kaffee.de
Rating: 1/10
Origin: Melange

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