maandag 30 mei 2011

Blanche Dael: Cup of Excellence.

I bought this coffee last weekend in Maastricht, the Netherlands, a mere two days later I can already try it! The Shop is called Blanche Dael and is famous for being good roasters. I got 3 new types of coffee and 2 syrups that day, Cinnamon and Caramel. The caramel one is new for me, while I have tried it before at Starbucks in a Caramel Macchiato, this was the first time to have a small bottle at home.

The coffee itself is a single bean coffee, but I wasnt told the country of origin, some roasters prefer to keep secrets, too bad.

I just had my first cup 5 minutes ago and I am already drinking my second cup right now. When I first opened the bag of beans, I experienced a softer, fruity smell. The beans themselves were lightly roasted, usually resulting in less acidity or bitterness in the coffee once prepared, this was no exception.

For these beans, I used my beloved Saeco, whole milk and 2 sugarsticks. Lately I have been liking the whole milk from the "euroshopper" brand a lot, this is my last bottle and I am glad I got to try Cup of Excellence with it.

Now, time to describe the flavour. It's soft and rich at the same time, a nice layer of crema on top, the whole milk is adding a creamy texture to this drink. It does have some bitterness to it, but only very lightly, a little sweet too.
I can definetely understand that this coffee has the "cup of excellence" label, it is very high quality.

I would label this coffee as great for after dinner or late at night. The aftertaste is not disturbing, so you keep enjoying this sweet sensation for a while. Very good coffee, had high expectations and it lived up to all of them.

I will be buying this one again, for sure!

Rating: 8,7/10
Origin: unknown for now
Purchased: Blanche Dael, Maastricht, Holland

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