woensdag 1 juni 2011

Sainsbury Kenya

Today is my lucky day, I got to try two new flavours in 1 day, aside from the DE Peru, I am now trying the Sainsbury blend from Mount Kenya. I bought this coffee when I was visiting London for the weekend with my fiancee. I don't really remember which supermarket I got this one, I do however recall buying a few Mountain Dew bottles there too. Mountain Dew is another one of my vices... I often try those so-called Energy Drinks, maybe I should blog about those too. For the record, my favourite energy drink is called "Burn", made by coca cola and I recently found out David Guetta, the French DJ also likes this one. He has good taste in music and in energy drinks hehe

Now, on to this coffee. My usual ritual, opening the bag and smelling the beans.

First impression, a medium roasted bean, the aroma coming from the bag was a little citrus mixed in with a pure coffee smell. It made me wonder how it would taste.

Second impression, smelling the fresh espresso. Again I could swear I have this light citrus fragrance in my nose, so I decided to do a second bean smelling test, this time outside the house. It confirmed my original impression, both for the beans and the espresso smell. I was real curious by now, would it taste citrus-like too?

Third impression, actually taking it to my mouth and trying it. So there I was, outside the house, with an espresso in my hands, took it to my mouth and took a nip.
Disappointment time :(
It tasted a little stale, like it was too old. So I checked the expiration date, which was good, valid before Feb 2012. The aftertaste was still in my mouth 30 minutes later.
Really disappointed... I added extra sugar, to no avail. Tried a second cup, this time with Vanilla canderel, slightly better but no real luck in making it decent

I am persistent in my efforts, so I dove into the fridge, took out a cup of yoghurt and kill the taste in my mouth so I could try a third time, possibly the last time too.

Nothing improved, sadly.

I read the package again, it stated the taste was indeed citrus and blackcurrant. Maybe I am not a fan of the blackcurrant flavour. Now that I knew about this second taste, I can understand this coffee a little better, but the aftertaste is what ruins it for me, I am not a fan and to be blunt, I never will be.

Rating: 3,0 / 10
Purchased: London, England (supermarket)

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