woensdag 25 mei 2011

Kopi Luwak

Let us start the coffee reviews with the mother of all coffees... the one, the only, Kopi Luwak.

This is the most expensive coffee in the world, hailing from the indonesian Archipelago, this coffee is also one of the lowest production coffees that exist.

I first tried it in Brussels, Belgium. The place was called Corica, they roast their own beans. They carry around 12 types of beans. Good overall service and the quality never disappoints. The barista was very professional, serving the espresso the right way. I paid 7 euro for my very first Kopi Luwak!

Now on to the taste, I have tasted a little over 80 different kinds, small beans like the Yirgacheffe and big elephant beans like Maragogype, but none tasted anything like Kopi Luwak... Where do I begin, my very first taste was bitter, but that disappeared almost completely, it made place for the best coffee experience I have ever had, after the initial bitterness, I experienced a pure coffee flavour, full bodied, almost free of any bitterness at all, which I like more than anything else. Also something I noticed, the lack of a bitter aftertaste, found in most coffees. They call this one a “Grand-Cru” for a reason!

This was the best coffee I have ever had.

Now for the million dollar question... Was it worth it?

To be frank, the coffee is amazing... but the price is very high.

Great coffee, but not for everyday use, the occasional pleasure is more like it. I occasionally buy it, just for the pleasure it brings to my taste buds. To be honest, if it was priced like all other coffees, this would be my first pick for my espresso machine.

Costprice: 7€ for 1 espresso (Corica, Brussels in Belgium)

Costprice: 20€ for 100 grams (Simon Levelt (Maastricht, The Netherlands))

Rating: maybe i am biased, I give it a 10/10

Origin: Kopi Luwak is not considered a single bean coffee as it can not be controlled wether the civet cat will eat Arabica, Robusta, Excelsa or Liberica beans.

wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kopi_Luwak

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