woensdag 25 mei 2011


I first bought these in Leuven, Belgium, in a chocolate shop close to my old job. The brand name was Javana, at the time, it was my first experience with these roasters.
First off, let us give credit to this coffee, Yirgacheffe comes from Ethiopia and is considered the origin of coffee by the province of Kaffa, another famous coffee from this region is called "Sidamo", more on this one later on :) Yirgacheffe is also considered a "Grand-Cru", one of the best single bean coffees, by the industry. This means they dont mix it with other beans to create a blend or melange, this is purely made out of 1 type of bean.

When I first opened this package, I was very surprised by the small sized beans, though i was aware these were the smallest beans, these are tiny, not kidding! In comparison, they are about half the size compared to the elephant beans "Maragogype", which is the biggest size I encountered so far, most Yirgacheffe beans would average a mere 5 to 6 millimeter, to put it all in perspective.

Now, time to prepare it! For this one, I decided to use my French Press, took out my ceramic grinder, took out my scale and started out. My personal preference is 8 grams per cup, 150ml worth of water at 97 degrees Celsius. I am a freak, I know! Beans ground, water poured, 1 minute wait and the room started filling with a fresh and strong coffee smell, I think i might have been drooling when I was smelling this cup of goodness.

On to the taste, this was a big surprise :) This small bean packs quite a punch, it had a nice bergamot/lime flavour, while not destroying the strong coffee flavour itself. Another thing I noticed, the aftertaste was also very good, most stronger coffees have a tendency to leave a bitter aftertaste, but not this one.

Over the next few weeks, I kept drinking this nice coffee, but then I noticed something, this coffee gets bland over time pretty fast, so next time, I will do my best to drink it more quickly!

Price: 4.50€ / 250g
Sold by: Javana, originally from Bruges, Belgium
Rating: 9/10
Origin: Single Bean

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