zondag 12 juni 2011

Bellagio White Chocolate Mix

It's a new thing for me, trying out a instant drink. I decided to "expand" my blog a little to all kinds of hot drinks and even some cold drinks will appear soon, I am going to compare some of the canned coffees too, I got my eyes on a few of them already.

I have stated before that I have a sweet tooth, so it won't come as a surprise that I like going to the "oil&vinegar" store. My cupboard has a few of their products and I am pretty sure more products will be bought in the future. I simply love their flavours and most of their oils, vinegars and sauces are alcohol-free, always a big advantage for me.

Last friday, I was going to a shopping mall to buy some manga (japanese comics), one of my favourite shops had a 3+1 promotion, so I got quite a few. The same shopping mall houses a Oil&Vinegar, so we went in to try the goods and while browsing the shelves, I found this.
Bellagio, White chocolate, gourmet Hot cocoa Mix.
I also found out they sell white chocolate callets, black chocolate callets, dark hot cocoa mix, ... A little expensive though, but i dont really mind to pay a little more for quality, which their products usually are.
Took it home, read the instructions, got out a cup and started.
The instructions were simple, 3 spoons per cup.
Whenever I need hot water for a hot drink, I tend to use my panarello pipe, because it allows me to stir while the water is pouring into my cup. It is one of many advantages my new machine has, loving my saeco :)

First impression, smelling the cocoa mix, I guess
didnt really know what i was smelling, it smelled mostly like milk creamer (like coffeemate)

Second impression, smelling the hot white cocoa.
I have to say, it smelled decent, but it wasnt like "oooooh, I wanna try" The creamer smell was also very present, though it felt like this was not the right aroma, like it needed more cocoa mix.

Third impression, Tasting.
My hunch was right, not enough cocoa mix. Into the cup, another spoon, still not enough, second spoon, this felt more right.
My impression is not so good, I have had a hot white chocolate before, it was so much better. Then again, whole milk and chocolate callets, always so much better, I actually make them that way at home too. I have the dark chocolate ones at home right now, too bad it is dificult to find affordable white chocolate callets in smaller dosages, I know where to buy big bags, but 2,5 kilograms...... wow, too much really for the occasional sip.
Maybe I should have tried adding some sugar, but I just gave up. I did not like this. Very disappointed even, I hope my mom's grandchildren will like it, so I dont have to end up throwing it out with the trash.

Rating: 1/10
Purchased: Oil&Vinegar

A little PS this time, I have had decent instant hot cocoa before, this was just bad...

2 opmerkingen:

  1. I worked at Caffe D'Amore for 20 years. We were devoted to using the best. I drank the white chocolate for years and loved every sip. And then we were sold to a food conglomerate in January 2011. And everything changed. By June the whole staff was let go, And the company was gone. I can into the former GM about five years ago. I asked him particularly about the Belleville cocoa line. He told me that I wouldn't recognize it. They went from quality to profit. We also roasted some of the best coffee I ever tasted. I would drink it every morning black because it tasted too good on its own to need milk or sugar. That was the first division the new company shut down. We went from a family owned company to nothing, and it still breaks my heart.

    1. Auto correct changed some words. I "can" into should be I "ran" into. And "Belleville" should be "Bellagio". Apologies.
